Wednesday dismissal -1:30pm   Salida los Miércoles -1:30 p.m.

THT January 23, 2025

January Lunch Menu

Approved Snack List

Instructional Goals

Holy Name School strives to graduate students who live by Christian values, demonstrate strong academic skills, and are prepared to take their place in society as productive citizens. We do all this in an effort to teach as Jesus did.

Holy Name Students will:

  • Express a belief in God and in the values expressed in the Gospels.
  • Demonstrate competency in core disciplines and appreciation of fine arts.
  • Access and use information effectively.
  • Apply technology effectively and morally.
  • Display global awareness and an understanding of the diversity of cultures. Identify specific, personal goals for future education and careers.

At the completion of eighth grade, Holy Name School students will:

  • Demonstrate religious knowledge, virtues, and practices rooted in Catholic/Christian philosophy.
  • Possess and exhibit knowledge of academic disciplines.
  • Demonstrate effective oral and written communication skills.
  • Model the skills promoting life-long learning, self-discipline, problem solving strategies, critical thinking, and independent thinking.
  • Demonstrate respect for self, for others, and for the environment.
  • Recognize and practice the value of stewardship within the church, local community and in global settings.