Wednesday dismissal -1:30pm   Salida los Miércoles -1:30 p.m.

January 9th, 2025

January Lunch Menu

Approved Snack List

2024 – 2025 School Information

Welcome to the parent and student recourse’s page.



PBIS is a Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports system that recognizes student behaviors identified as those leading to student success. Creating a school-wide PBIS system fosters a positive learning environment for all students and staff.

Holy Name Ramblers will…Be Safe, Be Responsible, and Be Respectful

Want more information about PBIS? Visit

Boys Town:

School Support Services offers administrative and behavioral interventions in the school to support students, teachers and administrators. Our School Support Specialist meets with youth directly in school to ensure students receive the support they need to improve their social-emotional and academic well-being. They provide 1:1 support to help youth identify underlying issues causing behaviors, truancy, or disengagement. School Support Specialist also work with youth in a group setting to develop their social skills to promote learning. They support teachers with classroom management by helping to de-escalate youth behaviors and making parental phone calls. They are also available to assist with office referrals, monitoring and managing youth during classroom transition and lunch duty.

LIFT Together with Boys Town is a community-based, multi-tiered, multi-component, prevention intervention system. Our goal is to intervene before problems reach a level where children are unsafe, not attending school, and the school community is not thriving. LIFT Together’s family- and school-based programs combine for a multi-component approach that uses a common language and a common set of expectations among teachers, parents, and children.


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Nutritional Guidelines

Holy Name places a priority on the health and wellness of our students by promoting balanced nutrition and positive lifestyle choices. We are committed to educating students about their nutritional health which includes education about eating a variety of foods. We encourage healthy eating habits both in and out of school to help students build a strong foundation for lifelong wellness. Together, we are dedicated to supporting the well-being of our students and fostering a community of healthy, thriving learners. In our continued commitment to assisting students with making positive choices, please review the guidelines below in regards to snacks, treats, and lunches brought from home.

  • Any snacks coming into the school need to meet USDA Smart Snack standards (Smart Snacks Reference Guide below).
  • Because of these Smart Snack standards, students and parents are not to bring treats to school for birthdays or other reasons without coordinating this in advance with the classroom teacher to make sure the snack coming into the school meets the Smart Snack standards.

Thank you for your cooperation related to this important matter!


Dr. Oliver

HN Approved Snack List

Smart Snack Reference Guide

USDA Smart Guide to Snacks

CDC Healthy Schools

Holy Name Triennial Data